Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fun and Games

Things are getting better. I can now sit at the computer for longer periods of time, I can walk around K Mart for an hour (shouldn't have done it but then I wouldn't have known that I couldn't) and am up to 10 houses and hope to be at my girl friend's for coffee today.

The down side, I am still having trouble dressing myself and I couldn't go to Paperific this weekend or the sale at Wrapt Design and DH has decided I can cope and he's going back to work well for 4 hours a day for the first week and then we see how I go.

Tonight, I get to go to the scouts Trivia Night and I see some of my friends and have a laugh, though this may prove a problem as I stiil have to hold my stomach when I laugh, must remember to take the cushion.

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